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June 2, 2021 – Agreement between CAEP and EMMA is signed.

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

CAEP requires that a hosting institution create a Specialized Professional Association-SPA to oversee the evaluation and review of Educator Preparation Programs and their Colleges of Education who chose to utilize and align with, the National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards. Working with our partners, the founders and advisory decided to call this SPA - Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America, or EMMA.

Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America was selected from a list of possible SPA names that were generated by partners and the EMMA Advisory.



For more info on becoming a reviewer, joining the EMMA advisory or learning more about NDLETPS - email:

Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America (EMMA)
PO Box 91508
Albuquerque, NM 87199 

(704) 609-3138 

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