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Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation

In Spring 2021, CAEP approved the creation of a new Specialized Program Association (SPA) for the preparation of dual language educators.  The SPA is named Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America (EMMA) and is currently housed under Dual Language Education of New Mexico.  We are in the process of determining how many educator preparation programs (EPPs) might pursue programmatic accreditation under EMMA.


Information on CAEP, its purpose, mission, and Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) collaborations can be found at:

Ready for School

EMMA's Potential Impact

Currently there are four state level partners (Delaware, DC, Indiana, and South Carolina) that require SPA review for any providers in their state that are seeking CAEP accreditation. Additionally, there are 22 states that offer SPA review as an option for their providers.  Among these, there are approximately 700 EPPs that seek CAEP accreditation.  We are currently ascertaining the number of bilingual education educator preparation programs among the 700 providers that could seek CAEP accreditation.  CAEP provides about a three-year implementation phase for new SPAs and it is projected that EMMA will begin serving EPPs in 2026 or sooner. 



Form information about CAEP and the relationship to SPAs - Specialized Professional Associations, please go to – LINK

The First Standards for Dual Language Educator Preparation

In April of 2021, CAEP fully adopted the National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards.  The NDLETPS is now offered to Colleges of Education who are seeking recognition, authorization, etc for having a quality educator preparation program built on and/or aligned with the NDLETPS. 

However, the NDLETPS is the first set of standards that have been fully adopted (April 2021) by CAEP to specifically support the preparation of dual language educators.  It is an important historical moment for the expansion of dual language education. 


NDLETPS Available at EMMA Website

NDLETPS Available at CAEP Website

Classroom Furnitures
Creative Agency

COE Support for Educator Preparation Programs

CAEP has a formal agreement with many Specialized Professional Associations, each responsible for overseeing the evaluation process for a specific set of standards that have been chosen by Colleges of Education seeking authorization/recognition.   Standards that have proven beneficial to the fields of second language acquisition, world language, bilingual multicultural education include the TESOL, ACTFL and now NDLETPS standards. Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America is the name given to the Specialized Professional Association responsible for supporting the review process of COEs who are choosing to building and/or aligning their pre-service educator preparation programs using the NDLETPS.


Call for Reviewers

Reviewer Qualifications

Applying to be a Reviewer  


For more info on becoming a reviewer, joining the EMMA advisory or learning more about NDLETPS - email:


Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America (EMMA)
PO Box 91508
Albuquerque, NM 87199 

(704) 609-3138 

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