In conjunction with EMMA Consortium Members, our advisory is developing and offering a number of resources to support the use of the National DLE Teacher Preparation Standards to strengthen and expand pre-service and in-service programs.
EMMAnars: DL Teacher Preparation Pathways Parts 1 & 2 - May 8 & 16, 2024
Hosted by the USDOE's Office of English Language Acquisition. Utilizing The National DL Teacher Preparation Standards to develop/improve educator prep programs (Part I) and; Disseminating info about evidence-based state/local programs that are building educator workforce capacity (Part II).
Sharing Resources with the EMMA Community
If you have a publication or resource you'd like to share through this website, please send it along with permission/consent to post to
New Resource - Cultivating and Expanding the Bilingual Educator Workforce in Rhode Island
This white paper is a collaboration between Project EMMA and the Multistate Assocation for Bilingual Ed, New England. It proposes how to cultivate and expand the bilingual educator workforce in Rhode Island, to serve a growing MLL student population and foster multilingualism. It presents the scope of the problem, outlines challenges, opportunities, and makes recommendations for improvement.
Contributors: University of Rhode Island (Laura Hamman-Ortiz, Rabia Hos, James Cahan), the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Joan Lachance), MABE (Phyllis Hardy) and Rhode Island College (Erin Papa)
New Resource - Navigating Tensions Between Translanguaging and Separation of Languages in Dual Language Programs - 2024
Elizabeth R. Howard - University of Connecticut
Shera Simpson - Outside the Box Learning Laboratory
Reprinted with permission from. Dual language tandem teaching: Coordinating instruction across languages through cross-linguistic pedagogies. Velázquez Press.