What EMMA Does
National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards
The National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards provide a sound framework of six standards, each with corresponding sub-components anchored in relevant theory to support PK-12 [16] dual language educator preparation programs. The format of the standards, their sub-components, and the system of assessments for the how the standards are measured give colleges and universities a solid guide regarding the knowledge
Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America™DLeNM 2023
EMMA-Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America is responsible for the care, use and on-going development of National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards – NDLETPS (LINK). Under the auspices of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, EMMA aims to collaboratively guide institutions of higher education as they cultivate highly qualified dual language teachers nation-wide. A vital secondary goal is to assist SEAs, LEAs, professional organizations, and other educational entities to operationalize theoretically anchored professional development and guidance for in-service dual language teachers.
Transforming Educators to Pursue Linguistic Freedom
EMMA-Educators for a Multilingual Multicultural America is responsible for the care, use and on-going development of NDLETPS. Under the auspices of the CAEP, EMMA aims to collaboratively guide institutions of higher education as they cultivate highly qualified dual language teachers nation-wide. A vital secondary goal is to assist SEAs, LEAs, professional organizations, and other educational entities to operationalize theoretically anchored professional development and guidance for in-service dual language teachers.
To this end, a third goal of EMMA is to create a sustainable and synergistic space for research on dual language education that has the potential of informing and impacting related policy.
At least five major goals for EMMA have emerged through the intersect of our obligations to CAEP as well as the needs of the field at large. The goals presently entail the development of:
a pool of reviewers to conduct the program evaluations associated with CAEP;
an assessment for teacher accreditation based on the national standards;
a national dual language certificate based on the national standards;
a handbook to facilitate the use of the national standards by SEAs, IHEs, and LEAs;
professional development opportunities (w/EMMA Consortium Members) for faculty engaged in the preparation of dual language education teachers anchored to the national standards.
In sum, we maintain that the national standards (NDLETPS) along with the establishment of the Specialized Professional Association (EMMA) through CAEP have created an all-new space for dual language education activities in the US with at least five formidable professional obligations.
EMMA is available to provide consultation and training to LEAs, SEAs and HEAs on the use of the National Dual Language Education Teacher Preparation Standards. Please contact EMMAInfo@dlenm.org if interested in contracting its services.
National Dual Language Certificate
National Dual Language Certificate Overview
The NDLC is being designed to credential K-12 dual language educators from across the US in order for them to then serve as professional learning facilitators within their own contexts. The modules, with related objectives will guide theory-based, experiential learning that is anchored to The Standards (NDLETPS). The modules aligned with each of the six Standards and are structured to “zoom in” on the Standards’ subcomponents’ competencies, pedagogies, and elements of critical consciousness. The format includes features that guide with asynchronous and synchronous aspects which also include provocative cooperative dialogue and reflections, authentic assessments, and various digital tools to enrich online learning.
Rationale for the NDLC
Given the long-standing research that supports dual language students’ academic, linguistic, and sociocultural gains there is significant momentum for DLE/DLI program expansion. At the same time, there is a dual language teacher shortage, both for pre- and in-service teachers. Most states are without dual language teacher preparation standards and offer limited professional learning opportunities for dual language teachers to advance their instructional skills once they’re in the classroom.
At the very same time, there is a need to build capacity in our professional learning communities of credentialed dual language educator facilitators. Each SEA oversees dual language educator credentialing and continuing education credits for certification and may now add a specialized professional learning pathway for targeted LEA dual language personnel through the NDLC. The NDLC serves as a platform to impact systemic change as SEAs and LEAs, investing in local and regional cadres of dual language educators to advance their practices. Ultimately, the National Certificate program aims to create a national network of highly specialized professional learning facilitators to best address our dual language learners’ and their language-rich communities’ needs.
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1 + 4 Year Strategic Plan for EMMA
(Overview, including NDLC)
Year 1 – 2023-2024 – Develop National Dual Language Certificate (NDLC)
Year 2 – 2024-2025 – Pilot NDLC with first Cohort of Facilitators
Year 3 – 2025-2026 – Co-construct Program Quality Assurance Protocol with first Cohort of Facilitator
Year 4 – 2026-2027 – Pilot the Program Quality Assurance Protocol and nominate/identify Key TWI Programs that are aligned with The Standards (NDLETPS) and should be considered for future longitudinal study
Year 5 – 2027-2028 – Analysis of policy impact of NDLETPS through NDLC and Quality Assurance Protocol use​

​DLeNM's Project EMMA History
2014-Present Developed and Vetted the National DLE Teacher Prep Standards (NDLETPS)
2018-2021 NDLETPS Submitted, Reviewed, Revised and Adopted by the Council for Accreditation of
Educator Preparation (CAEP)
2021-2022 CAEP Specialized Professional Association created to oversee COE evaluation - Educators for a
Multilingual Multicultural America (EMMA)
2021-Ongoing EMMA builds a Consortium of vested members to guide the work: NAELPA, MABE, WCEPS, WIDA, ATDLE and CAL
2021-Ongoing EMMA engages w/State Education Agencies - Teacher competencies, policy and accreditation alignment w/NDLETPS
2023-Ongoing EMMA begins development of support resources for NDLETPS, beginning with the National DL Certificate
2023-2024 CAEP Evaluation of Educator Prep Programs Begins - EMMA (CAEP SPA) trains and supports COE evaluation reviewers
2024-2025 Research on the Use of Educational Research URE in conjunction with NDLC begins
2025-2026 EMMA engages Consortium Members and Partners to co-construct a Quality Assurance Protocol that guages alignment of key Two-Way Immersion Programs with The Standards (NDLETPS).